Thursday, March 12, 2009

A Tangible Goal

It would be a little presumptuous for someone to claim to have no goals. Obviously, everyone has an ambition. Now whether that be aiming to cure cancer, getting a 2400 on the SAT, or simply getting a minimum of 8 hours a sleep a night, is not the point of this post. It's how you approach your goal.

Most of us make a mental goal. That's great, but unfortunately, not quite sufficient. With experience I can say that physically writing down a goal, whether it be on a piece of paper or your computer, is a lot more conducive to success. Understandably, mental goals tend to be overshadowed by other, more pressing and imminent things. Writing it down and keeping it in a location that you frequently visit will not only remind you, but instill drive and motivation.

So the next time you're dying of acedia, try writing down your goals. Comment back to share whether this method works!

A tip: set your goals a little higher than what you think is possible. you'll be amazed at what you can achieve.

That's it for now, folks.


  1. I tend to set my goals lower so I don't get disappointed. hhaha :)

  2. That's wise, but I feel like if I were to write my goals down, then they seem quite foolish. Is that just me, or you too? I have goals, but I lack motivation. Maybe your method will help keep me on track!


  3. It does seem really foolish! When I look back on the paper, I always think, WOW LAME, but it helps =/

    try it :)

  4. CONGRATULATIONS NALINI! i'm so excited to read the news section next year =)
