Wednesday, March 11, 2009

The Chicken / Brain Yoga

My mom recently forwarded me this chain email she had going on with her friends that linked her to the following video: Superbrain Yoga.
Captivating, no? Well, get this: apparently, my mom and her friends are so excited about this discovery because this exercise was a form of punishment when they were in school in India. Except instead of calling it "brain yoga", they called it moorgi (the chicken pose.)

Accustomed to detentions and Saturday 5's, our generation probably finds it difficult to fathom that physical exercise was used to castigate students for inappropriate behavior or for negligence towards their schoolwork. Humiliating as it must have been back then, this practice has clearly engendered interest and has provided amazing results. Fascinating.

This segues nicely to what I would like to share today. In our youth, we often take not only our body but our mind for granted. Yet nevertheless, diseases such as Alzheimer's show that our brain is also subject to atrophy. I am not attempting to sound wise; I find myself carelessly devouring junk food quite frequently, and it has only come to my attention today that I should make sure that my brain stays healthy as well. We should take action now to ensure that our bodies and our minds stay healthy and active in the future.

Regardless of how silly this Superbrain Yoga may seem (I could not restrain from laughing at the video), I hope to incorporate it into my weekly, if not daily, routine. I invite you to join me on this endeavor. A fit body and an acute mind are wonderful incentives, don't you think?

That's it for now, folks.


  1. Mmmm good idea, instead of sitting around for detention (which we do most of the day at school anyways) we should be doing something physical.

  2. TOTALLY dude. I mean for shizzilo.

    Detention would be so much more inviting if we were punished by doing physical exercise...but that's just me.

  3. I think both the brain and the body should be worked. Yoga is a great way to connect the mind to the body and exercise both. Let me know if you find a good place to practice yoga!

  4. Oh man, that does look pretty awkward. I think you should do this in the middle of the hallway one day

  5. This is quite fascinating... I volunteer with children like those in the teacher's classroom... maybe it could come in handy.

  6. haha wow this is so interesting
    i never would have thought of that
