Saturday, March 21, 2009

Inhale, Exhale

Recently, I've had this problem where I'm running short of breath. This happens even if I'm just talking casually, studying, or even while watching TV. It's made me focus my attention a lot on my breathing, and I made an eerie discovery: we hardly breathe.

I noticed that when we take breaths, they're very shallow. Our chest hardly rises, whereas our chest and our stomach area should expand (if you fill most of your lungs with air.)
Going about our daily business we dont pay much attention to our breathing.

Next time you're fortunate enough to spend time with a baby, watch him/her sleep. Notice that babies take deep, slow, breaths and that their entire body expands with each inhalation. As we grow older, we get distracted by more "important" things and forget to focus on the very basic necessity of breathing.

Take a few moments right now to notice your breath. Are you breathing deeply, or just superficially?

I urge you guys to take notice of your breathing. Every once in a while, check up on yourself. Improving the way you inhale and exhale is a simple way to improving your health.

That's it for now, folks.

1 comment:

  1. wow i never realized that :)
    breathing deeply almost always calms me down.
